Program integratif dan komprehensif berbasis teknologi pangan, kuliner, dan ilmu gizi untuk mendukung well-being dan kesehatan kulit.
Kamu bakal belajar banyak tentang
1. Tenaga Profesional
2. Wirausaha
Program konsentrasi Food for Beauty and Wellness merupakan program integratif berbasis teknologi pangan, teknologi kuliner serta ilmu nutrisi untuk mendukung kesehatan manusia secara utuh (wellness) serta kesehatan kulit. Program ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman tentang bagaimana produk pangan yang dikonsumsi dapat mendukung kesehatan kulit dan wellness, termasuk strategi serta inovasi produk untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitasnya. Program ini ditujukan untuk mengembangkan sektor industri makanan dan minuman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang kesehatan kulit, kecantikan serta wellness.
Lulusan Program Sarjana Food for Beauty and Wellness dapat bekerja sebagai tenaga professional di perusahaan manufaktur sektor makanan dan minuman (di bidang quality control & assurance, produksi, penelitian & pengembangan, pemasaran, logistik & supply chain); pendidik/konsultan/trainer; herbalist dan formulator aromaterapi; ahli gizi; wirausaha
1. Laboratorium Ilmu Pangan
2. Laboratorium Rekayasa Pengolahan Pangan
4. Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Pangan dan Bioteknologi
5. Laboratorium Sensori
6. Laboratorium Analisis Molekuler
7. Laboratorium Bakery
8. Laboratorium Penelitian
Fasilitas laboratorium dilengkapi dengan peralatan seperti: HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), Texture Analyzer, Vacuum fryer, Ekstruder, dan STD (Solar Tunnel Dryer)
Hartayani, L., Lindayani, & Santoso, L. (2018). The Effect of Carbon and Nirogen Supplementation on Bacteriocinproduction of Lactic Acid Bacteria Pickled from Pickled Yellow Bamboo Shoots (Dendrocalamus asper). Journal Microbiology Indonesia, 2(1), 7-14.
Hartayani, L., Lindayani, & Murniati, M.P. (2018). Probiotic Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Yellow Bamboo Shoot Fermentation using 2.5% and 5% Brine at Room Temperature. Journal Microbiology Indonesia, 2(1), 30-34.
Cahyani, I.M., Anggraeny, E.N., Nugraheni, B., Retnaningsih, C., & Ananingsih, V.K. (2018). The Optimization of Maltodextrin and Arabic Gum in the Microencapsulat Ion of Aqueous Fracton of Clinacanthus nutans Using Simolex Lattice Design. International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology, 8(2), 110-115.
Martuti, N.K.T., & Widianarko, B. (2017). Translocation and Elimination of Cu in Avicennia marina. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. 40(2), 285-294.
Ananingsih, V.K., Arsanti, G., & Nugrahedi, P.Y. (2017). Pengaruh Pra Perlakuan Terhadap Kualitas Kunyit yang Dikeringkan dengan Menggunakan Solar Tunnel Dryer. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 22(2), 79-86.
Ardanareswari, K., Yuliarto, T.R., & Ananingsih, V.K. (2017). Aplikasi Seduhan Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) sebagai Asidulan Pada Roti Manis Berbasis Tepung Gaplek. Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, 17, 18-27.
Nugrahedi, P.Y., Oliviero, T., Heising, J. K., Dekker, M., & Verkerk, R. (2017). Stir-Frying of Chinese Cabbage and Pakchoi Retains Health Promoting Glucosinolates. Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 72, 439-444.
Setyaningrum, C.H., Fernandez, I.E., & Nugrahedi, P.Y (2017). Fortifikasi Guava (Psidium guanjava L.) Jelly Drink dengan Zat Besi Organik dari Kedelai (Glycine max L.) dan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiate L.). Jurnal Agroteknologi, 11(1), 10-16.
Ardanareswari, K., Utami, T., & Rahayu, E. (2017). Effect of Heat Adaptation and pH Adjustment on The Survival of Spray-Dried Lactobacillus paracasei SNP 2. British Food, 119, 2267-2276.
Harmani, S. A., Haryadi, H., Cahyanto, M. N., & Pranoto, Y. (2016). Potential Production of Short Chain Fatty Acid and Lactic Acid from Durum and Canna Starch-Based Spaghettini Through Fermentation by Human Colonic Microflora . Jurnal Agritech, 36(2), 189-195.
Hartayani, L., Lindayani, & Murniati, M.P. (2016). Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Bamboo Shoot Pickles Fermented at 15℃. Microbiology Indonesia, 10, 71-77.
Martuti, N.K.T., Widianarko, B., & Yulianto, B. (2016). The Pattern of Cu Accumulation in Milkfish (Chanos chanos) during Growth Period in Fishpond in Dukuh Taplak Tugurejo Semarang, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 9(5), 1036-1043.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Dekker, M., Widianarko, B., & Verkerk, R. (2016). Quality of cabbage during long term steaming; phytochemical, texture and colour evaluation. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 65, 421-427.
Valentina, V., Pratiwi, A.R., Hsiao, P.Y., Tseng, H.T., Hsieh, J.F., & Chen, C.C. (2016). Sensorial Characterization of Foods Before and After Freeze Drying. Austin Food Sci, 1, 1-5.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Verkerk, R., Widianarko, B., & Dekker, M. (2015). A Mechanistic Perspective on Process-Induced Changes in Glucosinolate Content in Brassica Vegetables: A Review. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 55(6), 823-838.
Hartayanie, L., & Adriani, M. (2015). Karakteristik emulsi santan dan minyak kedelai yang ditambah gum arab dan sukrosa ester [Emulsion Characteristics of Coconut Milk and Soybean Oil Added by Gum Arabic, Sucrose Ester]. Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan, 25(2), 152.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Widianarko, B., Dekker, M., Verkerk, R., & Oliviero, T. (2015). Retention of glucosinolates during fermentation of Brassica juncea: a case study on production of sayur asin. European Food Research and Technology, 240(3), 559-565.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Hantoro, I., Verkerk, R., Dekker, M., & Steenbekkers, B. (2015). Practices and health perception of preparation of Brassica vegetables: translating survey data to technological and nutritional implications.International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 66(6), 633-641.
Yuantari, M. G., Van Gestel, C. A., Van Straalen, N. M., Widianarko, B., Sunoko, H. R., & Shobib, M. N. (2015). Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Indonesian farmers regarding the use of personal protective equipment against pesticide exposure. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(3), 1-7.
Goh, R., Gao, J., Ananingsih, V. K., Ranawana, V., Henry, C. J., & Zhou, W. (2015). Green tea catechins reduced the glycaemic potential of bread: An in vitro digestibility study. Food chemistry, 180, 203-210.
Yuantari, M. G. C., Widianarko, B., & Sunoko, H. R. (2015). Analisis Risiko Pajanan Pestisida Terhadap Kesehatan Petani. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat,10(2), 239-245.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Hantoro, I., Verkerk, R., Dekker, M., & Steenbekkers, B. (2015). Practices and health perception of preparation of Brassica vegetables: translating survey data to technological and nutritional implications.International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 66(6), 633-641.
Zhang, L., Huang, S., Ananingsih, V. K., Zhou, W., & Chen, X. D. (2014). A study on Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 viability in bread during baking. Journal of Food Engineering, 122, 33-37.
Ananingsih, V. K., Sim, E. Y., Chen, X. D., & Zhou, W. (2014). Heat Transfer during Steaming of Bread. International Journal of Food Engineering, 10(4), 613-623.
Soedarini, B., van Gestel, C. A., van Straalen, N. M., Widianarko, B., & Röling, W. F. (2014). Interactions between accumulated copper, bacterial community structure and histamine levels in crayfish meat during storage. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 94(10), 2023-2029.
Dukut, E. M., Utami, M. P., Nugroho, A., Putri, N. I., & Nugrahedi, P. Y. (2014). Using popular culture’s media of Indonesian-English picturebooks as a way of reaching more vegetable consuming children. Celt, 14(1), 36.
Ananingsih, V. K., Gao, J., & Zhou, W. (2013). Impact of green tea extract and fungal alpha-amylase on dough proofing and steaming. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(12), 3400-3411.
Ananingsih, V. K., Sharma, A., & Zhou, W. (2013). Green tea catechins during food processing and storage: a review on stability and detection. Food Research International, 50(2), 469-479.
Soedarini, B., Klaver, L., Giesen, D., Roessink, I., Widianarko, B., van Straalen, N. M., & van Gestel, C. A. (2013). Effect of copper exposure on histamine concentrations in the marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax forma virginalis). Animal Biology, 63(2), 139-147.
Nugrahedi, P. Y., Priatko, C. A., Dekker, M., Widianarko, B., & Verkerk, R. (2013). Reduction of glucosinolates content during sayur asin fermentation [Penurunan Kandungan Berbagai Glukosinolat selama Fermentasi Sayur Asin]. Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan, 24(2), 235.
Soedarini, B., Klaver, L., Roessink, I., Widianarko, B., Van Straalen, N. M., & Van Gestel, C. A. M. (2012). Copper kinetics and internal distribution in the marbled crayfish (Procambarus sp.). Chemosphere, 87(4), 333-338.
Yudiar, H., Lindayani, L., & Nugrahedi, P. Y. (2012). Perubahan kandungan karoten dan aktivitas antioksidan pada wortel (Daucus carota) selama proses perebusan. Vitasphere, 2(1), 27-36.
Lulusan akan belajar berbagai teknologi & inovasi pangan untuk menghasilkan berbagai produk yang berfokus pada kesehatan kulit dan wellness. Selain itu, lulusan akan mempelajari ilmu nutrisi pangan berbasis whole-person perspectives, ilmu aromaterapi & herbal, pendahuluan ilmu psikologi, berbagai pola makan (diet) serta pengembangan produk yang disesuaikan untuk individu dan komunitas demi mendukung kesehatan secara keseluruhan (body-mind-soul) serta kesehatan kulit/kecantikan.
Total SKS : 144 SKS
Dari Struktur :
Mata Kuliah Wajib Universitas | 8 SKS |
Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi | 124 SKS |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Program Konsentrasi dan Mata Kuliah Pilihan Pengayaan | 12 SKS |
Nama-nama Matakuliah dan Bobot SKS
No | Kode | Nama Matakuliah | SKS |
1 | UKS101 | Pendidikan Agama | 2 |
2 | UKS102 | Pendidikan Pancasila | 2 |
3 | UKS103 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
4 | UKS410 | Kuliah Kerja Nyata | 2 |
| 8 |
No | Kode | Nama Matakuliah | SKS |
1 | TP101 | Pengantar Teknologi Pangan | 2 |
2 | TP102 | Ilmu Pertanian Umum | 3 |
3 | TP103 | Kimia Dasar | 3 |
4 | TP103P | Praktikum Kimia Dasar | 1 |
5 | TP104 | Matematika Dasar | 2 |
6 | TP105 | Fisika Dasar | 2 |
7 | TP106 | Biologi | 2 |
8 | TP106P | Praktikum Biologi | 1 |
9 | TP109 | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
10 | TP107 | Ekologi Pangan | 2 |
11 | TP201 | Fisiologi Pasca Panen | 2 |
12 | TP202 | Pengetahuan Bahan | 2 |
13 | TP202P | Praktikum Pengetahuan Bahan | 1 |
14 | TP203 | Kimia Pangan | 3 |
15 | TP203P | Praktikum Kimia Pangan | 1 |
16 | TP204 | Matematika untuk Pemodelan Pangan | 2 |
17 | TP204P | Penerapan Komputer untuk Pemodelan | 2 |
18 | TP209 | Physiology of digestive organ, skin, and brain | 2 |
19 | TP205 | Fisika Pangan | 2 |
20 | TP208 | Keterampilan Kuliner | 1 |
21 | TP208P | Praktikum Keterampilan Kuliner | 1 |
22 | TP301 | Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi | 2 |
23 | TP302 | Analisis Pangan | 2 |
24 | TP302P | Praktikum Analisis Pangan | 2 |
25 | TP303 | Biokimia | 3 |
26 | TP304 | Statistik untuk Ilmu Pangan | 3 |
27 | TP304P | Penerapan Komputer untuk Statistik | 2 |
28 | TP310 | Mesin dan Peralatan | 2 |
29 | TP307 | Standar dan Regulasi Pangan | 2 |
30 | TP910 | Pangan Fungsional | 2 |
31 | TP311 | Bio-resources and Bio-product | 2 |
32 | TP407 | Toksikologi dan Keamanan Pangan | 3 |
33 | TP407P | Praktikum Toksikologi dan Keamanan Pangan | 1 |
34 | TP402 | Pengemasan Pangan | 2 |
35 | TP405 | Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan | 3 |
36 | TP405P | Praktikum Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan | 1 |
37 | TP403 | Ilmu Gizi | 3 |
38 | TP406 | Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan | 3 |
39 | TP406P | Praktikum Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan | 2 |
40 | TP411 | Aromatherapy Chemistry | 1 |
41 | TP411P | Prakt. Aromatherapy Chemistry | 1 |
42 | TP410 | Nutritional cosmetics science | 2 |
43 | TP909 | Analisis Sensori | 2 |
44 | TP507 | Integritas dan Forensik Pangan | 2 |
45 | TP507P | Prak. Integritas dan Forensik Pangan | 1 |
46 | TP505 | Satuan Operasi | 3 |
47 | TP503 | Gizi dalam Daur Kehidupan | 2 |
48 | TP502 | Sosiologi Industri | 3 |
49 | TP509 | Seminar | 2 |
50 | TP512 | Personal and Community Health | 2 |
51 | TP513 | Holistic Nutrition | 2 |
52 | TP513P | Prakt. Holistic Nutrition | 2 |
53 | TP602 | Metodologi Ilmiah | 2 |
54 | TP607 | Penjaminan Mutu | 2 |
55 | TP608 | Kelompok Bisnis | 2 |
56 | TP609 | Kerja Praktek | 2 |
57 | TP904 | Herbal Food And Beverage | 1 |
58 | TP904P | Praktikum Herbal Food And Beverage | 1 |
59 | UKS109 | English for University | 2 |
60 | UKS609 | TOEFL Preparation | 2 |
61 | TP701 | Tugas Akhir | 6 |
| 124 |
No | Kode | Nama Matakuliah | SKS |
1 | TP900 | Teknologi Lemak & Minyak | 1 |
2 | TP900P | Praktikum Teknologi Lemak & Minyak | 1 |
3 | TP901 | Teknologi Kembang Gula | 1 |
4 | TP901P | Praktikum Teknologi Kembang Gula | 1 |
5 | TP902 | Teknologi Flavor | 2 |
6 | TP903 | Teknologi Pengolahan Susu | 1 |
7 | TP903P | Praktikum Teknologi Pengolahan Susu | 1 |
8 | TP905 | Teknologi Minuman | 2 |
9 | TP906 | Teknologi Cokelat | 1 |
10 | TP906P | Praktikum Teknologi Cokelat | 1 |
11 | TP907 | Teknologi Pengolahan Daging, Telor dan Unggas | 1 |
12 | TP907P | Praktikum Teknologi Pengolahan Daging, Telor dan Unggas | 1 |
13 | TP911 | Sanitasi Industri | 2 |
14 | TP912 | Psikologi Industri | 2 |
15 | TP913 | Edukasi Gizi | 2 |
16 | TP914 | Antropologi Pangan | 2 |
17 | TP915 | Etika Bisnis | 2 |
18 | TP922 | Starch Science And Technology | 2 |
19 | TP919 | Teknologi Hasil Laut | 1 |
20 | TP919P | Praktikum Teknologi Hasil Laut | 1 |
21 | TP918 | Nutrisi Orang Dewasa Dan Lansia | 2 |
22 | TP920 | Nutrisi Ibu dan Anak | 2 |
23 | TP924 | Psikologi Kesehatan | 2 |
24 | TP925 | Raw Food Diet | 1 |
25 | TP925P | Praktikum Raw Food Diet | 1 |
26 | TP926 | Nutrition for emotional health | 2 |
27 | TP927 | Mindful eating | 2 |
28 | TP928 | Current research in food, skin health and wellness | 1 |
29 | TP928P | Praktikum current research in food, skin health and wellness | 2 |
30 | TP929 | Makanan fermentasi tradisional | 1 |
31 | TP929P | Prak Makanan fermentasi tradisional | 1 |
32 | TP930 | Nutrisi dan kebugaran | 2 |
33 | TP931 | Nutrigenomic and personalized nutrition | 2 |
34 | TP932 | Plastic & Food | 2 |
No | Kode | Nama Matakuliah | SKS |
1 | TP207 | Gastronomi | 2 |
2 | TP501 | Teknologi Bakery | 1 |
3 | TP501P | Praktikum Teknologi Bakery | 1 |
4 | TP923 | Culinary Writing | 2 |
5 | TP916 | Teknologi Enzim | 2 |
6 | TP917 | Pengukuran Status Gizi | 1 |
7 | TP917P | Praktikum Pengukuran Status Gizi | 1 |
Diagram Alir Pengambilan Mata Kuliah
Program Studi Teknologi Pangan – Food For Beauty and Wellness
Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata
Tahun 2021
*mata kuliah pilihan dapat mulai diambil di semester 2. Jumlah MK pilihan yang diambil minimal 12 sks